Master Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education)
The prerequisite for admission to the Master Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education) is the completion of the Bachelor Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education) or an equivalent degree programme.
In the Master Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education) students must choose two teaching subjects (UF) or one teaching subject and one specialization subject. Only subjects that have already been completed in the prerequisite Bachelor's degree programme (or equivalent degree programme) can be chosen. The degree programme qualifies students to teach general education subjects, such as German, at secondary level (5th to 12th or 13th grade of all school types).
Since 2015, the teacher training programme has been carried out in the South-East Development Network (EVSO), which means that the studies at the participating institutions are carried out according to a collective curriculum. The UF German can be studied in the EVSO at the following institutions: University of Graz, University College of Teacher Education Styria, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, University College of Teacher Education Carinthia, University College of Teacher Education Burgenland.

Master's thesis
As part of the Master's degree programme, a master's thesis must be written in one of the two teaching subjects, in the educational science foundations or in the specialization. It can also be written across two or more of the above-mentioned areas.
The regulations of the educational institution at which the master's thesis is supervised apply to the registration and acceptance of the topic and the supervisor. A change of supervisor is permitted until the Master's thesis is submitted.
If the topic of the master's thesis is entirely or predominantly related to the teaching subject German, two special subjects from DEP.001-DEP.004, each worth 4 ECTS credits, must be selected. The research seminar on the specialization area of the master's thesis (DEP.005) must be completed, if possible with the supervisor of the master's thesis. If the supervisor does not offer a course for DEP.005 within two semesters, an equivalent course can be attended with one of the lecturers closest to the subject.
The master's thesis is worth 20 ECTS credits.