Doctoral Programme in Teaching Methodology
The interdepartmental doctoral programme in Didactics is a degree programme with a standard duration of 3 years.
Upon admission to this programme, students are automatically accepted into the Doctoral Academy of Didactics, which accompanies them throughout their studies.
The doctoral academy offers the opportunity for exchange, networking and cooperation that goes beyond the regular study programmes for doctoral students and serves to support doctoral students from all faculties.
The prerequisite for admission is the completion of a Master's degree programme of at least 60 ECTS or a diploma programme of at least 240 ECTS or another degree programme of at least the same higher education level at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution in the field of teaching or the completion of a Master's degree course of at least 60 ECTS credits or a Diploma degree course of at least 240 ECTS credits or another degree course of at least the same higher education level at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution in a subject that is offered as a teaching subject or specialization in the teaching degree course Sek. AB as a teaching subject or specialization or is meaningfully related to these subjects.
The administration of the Doctoral Programme in Teaching Methodology is carried out by the Dean's Office for Inter-faculty Programmes.