Bachelor Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education)
Bachelor's thesis
As part of the bachelor's programme, a bachelor's thesis must be written in one of the two teaching subjects, in the educational science foundations or in the specialization. It can also be written across two or more of the above-mentioned areas.
The bachelor's thesis is an independent written work. It must be written as part of a course. The Bachelor's thesis is worth 5 ECTS credits. It can only be written if examinations amounting to at least 100 ECTS credits have already been successfully completed in this Bachelor's degree programme. Proof of this must be provided by the student as part of the supervision agreement. The topic of the Bachelor's thesis is to be determined in agreement with the head of the course.
The formal structure of the thesis is based on scientific publications and the rules of good scientific practice. It is generally written in German. After consultation with the supervisor, the bachelor's thesis may also be written in English or in the language of instruction of the course in which it is written.

Students in Graz who wish to write their bachelor's thesis in the UF German are strongly recommended to write their Bachelor's thesis as part of the DEL.001, DEL.002 seminars of the German specialization module! These seminars offer theoretical and methodological consolidation in a selected subject area, which is also examined from a subject-specific and didactic perspective. This is an ideal prerequisite and support for finding a topic for your bachelor's thesis! Due to the small group size of the seminars, there is also a very good supervision ratio.
Since 01.03.2022, bachelor's theses at the University of Graz must be submitted exclusively in electronic form (PDF/A format) to the supervisor via UNIGRAZonline and are subject to a plagiarism check. If you are writing your bachelor's thesis as part of a course at another educational institution in the network, please enquire about the submission procedure.
Here you will find instructions for submitting your bachelor's thesis.
Worth knowing
Visibility of the courses
Thanks to the cooperation in the South-East Development Network, all courses currently offered in the Bachelor's degree programme in General Secondary Level Teacher Training are listed in the online system of the admitting institution.
Detailed information (location, room, etc.) on the individual courses is only visible when students access the course in the online system of the offering institution. Viewing the data or interacting with the system (e.g. course registration) is only possible after logging in.
You can find more information on the visibility of courses here.
Transition period
The transitional period determines the expiration date of a curriculum: within the transitional period, students may continue and complete their studies according to their previous curriculum (regardless of whether they started their studies according to this curriculum, switched to it voluntarily or were subject to it by law). The deadline is set so that it is possible to graduate.
If the degree programme is not completed within the transitional period, the student will be subject to the respective new (current) curriculum by law, i.e. students must switch if they wish to continue studying and complete the degree programme. At the end of the transition period, a curriculum has finally expired.
The following transition period applies to the Bachelor's degree program TGeneral Secondary Level Teacher Training UF German:
Curriculum for the Bachelor's degree program General Secondary Level Teacher Training 17W in the version of 18W until the end of SS 2024 = 30.09.2024
Information for people switching curricula
During the transition period, students can voluntarily switch to the latest ("current") curriculum. At the end of the applicable transition period, the student will be subject to the current curriculum by law. Recommended procedure for a changeover, also called "re-registration":
- Check the advantages and disadvantages of transferring, using the equivalence lists and taking into account the individual study situation.
- Report the transfer to the Admissions Office during the general admission period.
- Have the courses or examinations completed up to this point recognised in UNIGRAZonline in accordance with the equivalence lists - instructions under Recognitions.
Additional information: If an individual recognition that deviates from the equivalence list appears necessary, the responsible CuKo chairperson should be consulted before applying for recognition. - Courses/examinations that are prerequisites for further courses according to the new curriculum must be completed as soon as possible! The CuKo chairperson or the person responsible can only grant exemptions for registration for further courses in the absence of a prerequisite in justified cases and for a limited period of time.
Equivalence list
Bachelor's degree programme General Secondary Level Teacher Training UF German 19W/21W - 18W
Equivalency lists Bachelor Programme for Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (General Education) - Bachelor's degree programme German Studies
For recognition when changing from a teacher training course to a degree course in German Studies (or vice versa) as well as in the case of a parallel degree course in Teacher Training UF German and Bachelor's degree in German Studies, so-called equivalence lists have been drawn up to provide orientation and facilitate the recognition procedure. However, the equivalence lists are not equivalence lists in the legal sense and are therefore not legally binding. Applications for recognition according to the equivalence lists are always reviewed and decided on an individual basis by the CuKo chairperson or the recognition officers.
Equivalency lists