Modern German Literature Division
Our field of activity
The Modern German Literature Division offers students a basic education in literary studies and provides them with a sound overview of the history of modern German literature. The Master's programme, which builds on the Bachelor's programme, deepens students' training in literary theory and literary history and at the same time opens up current topics in literary studies to them.
The division has a large number of highly qualified (habilitated) researchers and thus guarantees a high level of research-based teaching as well as excellent individual supervision. The curriculum of the Master's degree programme expands the traditional core areas of the subject with courses from current research projects and combines them with practical aspects and interdisciplinary perspectives:

- The course of studies focuses on German-language literature from the 18th century to the immediate present as well as on literary and cultural theory, aesthetics and poetics, literature and psychoanalysis, literature and mediality, literature and knowledge.
- The range of courses is expanded in a practical way through cooperation with the Franz Nabl Institute for Literary Research, whose archive holdings and research focuses are integrated into teaching, as well as the Literaturhaus Graz, whose wide range of events offers academic discourse a showcase for the public.
- The interdisciplinary expansion of specialist training is ensured, among other things, by the Department's cooperation with the Center for Cultural Studies, the Center for Jewish Studies, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care and various doctoral programmes (e.g. Visual Cultures and Intermediality, Transformations of the Human), whose courses structure the area of free electives in a substantive way.
Students in the Modern German Literature Division are thus offered a broad spectrum of specialist qualifications and experiences that enable them to develop perspectives for their future professional orientation during their studies and to establish lively contacts with the city's literary and cultural scene.
Research activities and working groups of the Modern German Literature Division
Research focus
Research group
New releases
- Hans Lösener, Robert Vellusig: Literarische Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Reclam. 2024.
- Hildegard Kernmayer, Caterina Richter, Marietta Schmutz (Hg.), Geschlecht und Ökonomie. Literarische Perspektiven auf verschränkte Wissensordnungen. Unter Mitarbeit von Georg Reiter, Bern: Lang. 2024.
- Nava Ebrahimi: Wer ich geworden wäre, wenn alles ganz anders gekommen wäre: Herkunft. Identität. Imagination. Hg. v. Klaus Kastberger / Anne-Kathrin Reulecke (= Grazer Vorlesungen zur Kunst des Schreibens. Band 6). Graz: Literaturverlag Droschl 2024.
- Anne-Kathrin Reulecke, Kurt Hahn, Steffen Schneider, Julia Zimmermann (Hg.), Descriptio. Potentiale des literarischen Beschreibens. Freiburg i. Br.: Rombach. 2024.
- Hildegard Kernmayer, Michael Pilz, Marc Reichwein, Erhard Schütz (Hg.), Handbuch Feuilleton, Stuttgart: Metzler. 2024.
- Anke Jaspers (Hg.), Volker Braun. München: edition text+kritik. 2023.
- Robert Vellusig, Lessing und die Folgen, Stuttgart: Metzler. 2023.
- Anna Babka, Hildegard Kernmayer, Julia Lingl, Marietta Schmutz (Hg.): Posthuman Gender Theory [= Genealogy + Critique 8 (2022), Issue 1].
- Norman Kasper, Jana Kittelmann, Jochen Strobel, Robert Vellusig (Hg.): Geschichte und Geschichtlichkeit des Briefs. Kontinuität und Wandel einer Kommunikationsform. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 2021.