Reading and learning groups
The aim of the reading groups founded in the winter semester 2017/2018 is a joint in-depth reading of current research literature on information structure. On the one hand, this is intended to stimulate collaboration between the participating researchers and, on the other, the reading group contributes to the training of advanced MA students and doctoral candidates.
Formal semantics reading group
In our reading group, we deal with various topics of formal semantics.
Our discussions are based on academic essays of our choice, whereby we would like to focus on Zimmermann & Sternefeld 2013 at the upcoming meetings in the summer semester 2024. We are always happy to receive further topic requests.
Anyone who would like to deepen or expand their knowledge in the field of formal semantics is welcome to join us at any time!
As far as our meetings are concerned, we are very flexible, as it is important to us that every semantics enthusiast can participate.
Contact person if you are interested:
Ivana Drvoderic
E-mail: ivana.drvoderic(at)

To the reading group "The Stats Enthusiasts"
Statistics is an important tool for all (aspiring) scientists who want to conduct empirical research.
In our reading group ("The Stats Enthusiasts"), we approach this topic in an accessible way by reading current literature and taking the time to discuss any puzzles we encounter.
We are currently finishing a modern and linguistics-focused introduction by an experienced empirical researcher (Bodo Winter), but we are already looking forward to what comes next. Our ideas so far for future literature are: "statistical power", "statistical tests and when to use which ones", "what are degrees of freedom" and Bayesian statistics.
We meet about once a week and make sure that everyone who wants to participate actually has time to join. Contact us anytime at maya.cortez-espinoza(at)
The syntax and prosody of discourse-configurational languages
The reading group will address issues of word order, permutability of word order and optionality of syntactic operations as well as information structure and prosody.
Of particular interest will be the issue of syntactic movement and prosodic recontouring as alternative means of encoding the same semantic interpretation, which will be examined in the context of specific argument structure configurations.
The focus will be mainly on theoretical discussions, although some experimental prosodic studies will also be analyzed. We will focus on (East) Slavic languages as a case study and draw cross-linguistic comparisons with Germanic languages where appropriate.
No prior knowledge of syntax is required for participation. We will start with an overview of the necessary basics in several sessions to bring everyone up to the same level.
Start: January 2024, date and time to be announced.
Contact person and discussion leader:
Svitlana Antonyuk, Department of Slavic Studies & Department of German Studies
Email: svitlana.antonyuk(at)