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Literary colloquium
The colloquium at the Department of German Studies offers an open literary forum for teachers, researchers and students. On the one hand, members of the department are given the opportunity to present and discuss their current research projects, and on the other, we invite national and international guests to give lectures.
Participation is free of charge. We look forward to welcoming many interested guests! phil. Anke Jaspers, MA
E-Mail: anke.jaspers(at)
Tel.: +43 316 380-8166 phil. Isabella Managò
E-Mail: isabella.manago(at)
Tel.: +43 316 380-2452
Medievalia. Interdisciplinary medieval studies research colloquium
As an interdisciplinary medieval studies research colloquium in digital format, the Medievalia lecture series not only aims to network and make the medieval disciplines visible, but also to invite colleagues, students and interested parties alike to an interdisciplinary discussion. The aim of the series is to provide insights into current research topics and projects in medieval studies across universities. Because the medievalist disciplines can hardly manage without the famous look beyond the boundaries of the respective subjects, interdisciplinary approaches, diachronic perspectives and comparative approaches are important to us. Medievalia is based on a cooperation between the University of Graz (Julia Zimmermann, German Medieval Studies) and Saarland University (Cristina Andenna, History of the Middle Ages).

The series will continue to take place in digital format, as this also ensures access for interested parties outside Graz. The access link (Zoom) to the respective events will be sent out after registration or will be available on this website shortly before the event.
German Debating Club
The German Debating Club provides a platform for an open exchange of opinions. Each event is held under a different theme and usually opens with a keynote speech by one of the speakers. This is followed by a lively discussion round in which the participants also have the opportunity to ask the respective speakers questions about their subject area. Both German studies-specific and current topics from all other disciplines are selected.
Although the Debating Club primarily serves to strengthen the exchange between Master's students of German Studies and thus to promote the Master's course, all participants are always welcome. Over the years, an interdisciplinary and therefore all the more diverse group of participants has emerged.
Concept and organization:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. phil. Christian Braun
E-mail: christian.braun(at)
Phone: +43 316 380-2448
Mag.a iur. Anna-Katharina Bischoff, BA
E-mail: anna.bischoff(at) or anna.bischoff(at)